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August 21, 2016 Worship Folder

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

God’s Verbs

Through the lens of the gospel, today’s texts offer a clear indication of God’s work. Wheat is God doing? God is reaching out to the bound-up to proclaim release from captivity. God is lifting up the oppressed. God is satisfying the needs of the afflicted. God raises up foundations. God restores and rebuilds, reconciles and sets free. God, whose word can shake the very foundations of the earth, speaks a better word than we’ve ever heard, or that we could ever speak. Like yeast that’s included in bread dough or the seed of a particularly stubborn weed sown in the garden (Luke 13:18-21), when God speaks, there’s no going back. The bread will be leavened; the garden will have a mustard bush; and precious daughters and sons of Abraham will be set free. It is God’s work and God’s activity that Isaiah calls us to be about. Why is the prophet so confident that light will conquer darkness and needs will be satisfied? Because this is already God’s work, or as the prophet says, because “the month of the Lord has spoken.”

These texts focus us on the verbs, the actions, or God. When we’re attuned to the verbs of God within passages like these, it might make is easier to see and give witness to God’s work and the verbs around us right now.


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