Call Process

CALL PROCESS The Church Council (President Mike Eschelbach, Vice-President Walter Kopf, Treasurer Gwynne Kadrofske, Financial Secretary Jon Harrison, Secretary Molly DeHate, and Members-at-large Jean Lewis and Linda Hirt) met via Zoom with Bishop Satterlee on March 20.  The Bishop outlined … read full post

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2021 Stewardship Form

October is Stewardship month in our Faith Lutheran community.  As part of this effort, we are called to think about the gifts we have been given and how we share these gifts with the world around us.  This is a … read full post

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Caring Committee Needs

Caring Committee News In one month children in our community will go back to school, or starting school from home. Either way, they will need to start their day with a healthy breakfast. You can help make sure that happens … read full post

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