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Faith Lutheran Vision 2020

faith lutheran vision 2020

2020 Vision

A capital campaign for Faith Lutheran Church


  • Double membership by 2020
  • Broaden FLC’s Outreach Activities
  • Make FLC a Community Resource

Facility Enhancements:
1. Improve our Physical Appearance – Parking Lot Resurfacing                                          $40,000

  • the parking lot may provide one’s first impression of FLC
  • needed infrastructure to facilitate use of our building and grounds

2. Enhancing our Worship Experience
a. Modernization of our Sanctuary’s audio/visual systems                                                   $35,000

  • audio mixing system
  • camera for video recording
  • dual LCD projection system
  • control station
  • Completion of our organ
    • additional ranks of pipes                                                                                                 $23,690
    • MIDI system (digital sound module)                                                                            $ 9,310


  • A/V system improvements will allow for live streaming of our worship service for the purpose of reaching prospective new members, reaching the community outside of our immediate area and allowing members unable to attend services to worship in their present surroundings
  • Enhance the worship experience for those present at FLC and those participating on-line
  • Organ will deliver richer sound that will be felt by those present and heard by on-line participants

3. Extend our Facility by adding an outdoor pavilion                                                           $ 25,000

  • The addition of a 30’ x 40’ outdoor pavilion would allow us to make greater use of our property for
    worship, church functions and outreach
  • Update playground equipment

4. Replenish our Transformation Fund                                                                                   $ 67,000
Capital Campaign Target                                                                                                            $ 200,000


Campaign Timeline

  • September 10, 2017 – Campaign kick-off
  • November 1, 2017 – have $ 50,000 pledged or raised
  • January 28, 2018 – Annual Congregation Meeting
    • have $100,000 in pledges or money raised
  • June 1, 2018 – have entire $ 200,000 raised so work can commence



Pledge to Support the Faith Lutheran 2020 Vision (Online Form)




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