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Reformation Sunday 2015

Sunday, October 25, is a big day in the Lutheran Church. As Lutherans, we always celebrate the Reformation on the last Sunday of this month. This year, not only will we celebrate Reformation Sunday. The following things will also be taking place:

  • We will be giving Bibles to all 3rd grade children
  • We will be holding a Potluck after worship
  • We will be holding our Quarterly Meeting downstairs following the potluck
  • We will be focusing on Stewardship of our Time & Talents (everyone will have an opportunity to fill out a Time & Talent sheet)
  • We will experience a Ministry Fair – All committees will have a table display and you will have the opportunity to see what members of each of these committees are working on

We do hope you will plan to join us for the festivities. This experience will truly be an example of the church at work as we celebrate the Reformation!

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