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November 6 2016 Announcements


Stuff the Stocking Food Drive

   Caring Committee News

 The Faith Lutheran Caring Committee was asked by the Meridian Township Human Services Director if we could provide support to families during the Christmas/Winter school break. There is a need for food items during this two week break from school because children are at home during this time and do not get their breakfasts and/or lunches at school. Please look in the narthex for the grocery cart to appear and be ready to collect the donations for food items needed.

Needed Items…

Peanut butter, jelly, snack bars, pop tarts, muffin mix, pancake mix, syrup, canned fruits, boxed cereals, oatmeal, macaroni & cheese, boxed meals-example hamburger helper, soup, boxed crackers, rice, pasta and spaghetti sauce.

With your cash donations we will purchase one dozen eggs, one gallon of milk and a loaf of bread to be included with the food donations.

Thank you, Faith Family, for helping those in the community that have a need. Food collection for this project begin now and our delivery date will be Sunday, December 18.

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