September 18, 2016 Announcements

Join us Saturday, September 17th at Faith Lutheran for our Anti-Racism Seminar. Sunday September 18th is the last day to bring in items for the Breakfast Bags. Please sign up Sunday to deliver Back-to-School Breakfast Bags to Meridian Township families … read full post

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September 11, 2016 Worship Folder

Today’s readings give witness that God has a heart for losers. God reconciles with the idol-worshiping people of Israel. The risen Lord calls the violent, blasphemous persecutor, Paul. The faithful shepherd rescues the wandering sheep and carries it home. The … read full post

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September 11, 2016 Announcements

September 11th is Rally Sunday All Sunday School classes will begin in the Old Fellowship Hall at 9:00am. Rally Day Picnic immediately following the worship service. Faith will provide the hotdogs and beverages. Last Name A-L: Please bring Dessert Last … read full post

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