October 30, 2016 Announcements

Join us Sunday October 30th: 9:00am: How Lutheran’s Interpret the Bible 10:00am: Worship Service, New Member Sunday Quarterly Meeting: Immediately following the worship service. Youth Group Fundraiser (partnering with Membership Development) Chili Chowdown–immediately following the quarterly meeting. The youth … read full post

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October 30, 2016 Worship Folder

Reformation—Then and Now Next year, Lutheran churches throughout the world will mark the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation. The anniversary remembers 1517, when Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. That … read full post

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October 9, 2016 Announcements

Sunday October 9th: Dedication of Quilts and Beginning of Operation ShoeBox. 9:00 am: Sunday School Hour 9:00 am: RIC DVD series. 10:00: Worship 11:30: Worship Committee Meeting (rescheduled from last week) 11:30: Parish Ed 3:00: Worship at the Willows. 20161009announcements … read full post

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September 25, 2016 Worship Folder

Place-sharing Today’s gospel evokes our sympathy. It opens the possibility—described as an impossibility—of place-sharing, trading or sharing places with each other. It also echoes a common theme: the pursuit of wealth in this world can lead us into idolatry and … read full post

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