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Hurricane Harvey Relief

Hurricane Harvey Relief

The situation:
Please stand by our neighbors as we begin the long road to recovering from Hurricane Harvey, one of the most catastrophic storms to hit the country in more than a decade.

Our response:
Lutheran Disaster Response’s affiliate is actively present, collaborating with community leaders and officials to initiate the proper responses, particularly the long-term recovery efforts. Together, we have a strong history of working with disasters in the Gulf Coast area. Recovery efforts are expected to take years, and Lutheran Disaster Response will be there to accompany those affected through every phase of this disaster.

We invite you to stand by our neighbors on the Gulf Coast during this time. Your gifts ensure that our church will be able to provide help and hope for those left homeless or otherwise affected by this disaster for years to come.

Gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response, designated for “Hurricane Response – United States” will be used entirely (100 percent) for this disaster until the response is complete. Together, we can help provide immediate and long-lasting support. Give today to support the needs in this response and others like it.

What you can do:

Please pray for the people who have been affected and are in the path of Hurricane Harvey. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need.

Gifts to “US Hurricane Relief” will be used to assist those affected by the hurricane until the response is complete.

To learn more about the situation and the ELCA’s response:

  • Share this bulletin insert with your congregation.
  • Sign up to receive Lutheran Disaster Response alerts.
  • Check the Lutheran Disaster Response blog.
  • Like Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook and follow @ELCALDR on Twitter.

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