Dr. Andrew Root
Professor of Youth & Family Ministry at Luther Seminary
WHEN: Saturday, April 30
WHERE: Faith Lutheran Church
4515 Dobie Rd.
Okemos, MI
This event is FREE.
Due to Covid, lunch will NOT be served.
We invite you to bring a bag lunch or visit
one of the nearby fast-food places during the lunch break.
Schedule for the day:
9:30 – 10:00 Registration and coffee
10:00 – 12:00 Plenary 1 – Youth Ministry in an Era of Over-Parenting: Moving from the Thing to the Story (See explanation on next page)
Noon – 12:45 Lunch
12:45 – 3:00 Plenary 2 – Faith Formation in a Secular Age: Examining the Changes Impacting Ministry (See explanation on next page)
Dr. Root will share information based on his new book, The End of Youth Ministry? His new book will be available for purchase on this day. The cost is: $11.50.
Dr. Root will also talk about emerging models of youth leadership.
To register for this event:
- Please fill out this registration form: http://tiny.cc/lansingyouthevent
- Or call Faith Lutheran Church (517-349-0620).
- If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Ellen Schoepf at prellen@faithlutheranokemos.org
Information on Plenary Sessions
10:00 – 12:00 Plenary 1 – Youth Ministry in an Era of Over-Parenting: Moving from the Thing to the Story
Youth workers know what it is to watch parents and youth participate in multiple other activities. Most families have limited time and space for youth ministry activities or youth group. Often parent(s) (and youth) express desire to participate, but say they have no time. A parent might even say, “Sorry, we haven’t gotten her to youth group in the last six month, it’s just that gymnastics is kind of her thing; it’s really who she is.” This can be frustrating for youth workers. Some respond by contending that youth ministry needs to up the commitment level and move higher up the ranking of things. In this presentation we’ll together explore how this approach can’t work, because the decisions parents and young people make exist inside very deep conceptions of what makes for a good life. In a time of limited time and unlimited options, youth ministry can’t—and I’ll show, shouldn’t—compete in ranking of important activities. Youth ministry should not be just another thing (like basketball, violin, or debate club). Instead, we should turn toward story to reimagine what youth ministry can be for.
12:45 – 3:00 Plenary 2 – Faith Formation in a Secular Age: Examining the Changes Impacting Ministry
Why is faith formation so hard? We’re confronted at every turn with the narrative of decline, the rise of the nones, the constant refrain to pastors, youth workers and churches that “the world is changing.” But the most fundamental challenge facing the church today is that God is no longer an assumed reality. How might ministry, the church, and ministry to young people shift when belief in God and transcendence is optional? What is faith in a secular age? And how can we help form it?
Andrew Root
Professor and Carrie Olson Baalson Chair of Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary
- PhD (Princeton Theological Seminary)
- Th. (Fuller Theological Seminary)
- Div. (Fuller Theological Seminary)
Andrew Root joined Luther Seminary in 2005. He is often mentioned as one of the leading scholars in youth ministry and practical theology in the world. His first book Revisiting Relational Ministry (IVP, 2007) presented a new trajectory for youth ministry, offering the field one of the first robust theological projects. Since then, Root has published sixteen books, many of which have been found on lists for book of year. His 2011 book, The Theological Turn in Youth Ministry, was awarded Book of Merit by Christianity Today.
Root has also offered important texts on pastoral ministry more generally, asserting that “the theological substance of youth ministry is no different than ministry generally; my concern is to discuss how real people (whether young or old) experience the living presence of God.” His books The Promise of Despair, The Relational Pastor, and Christopraxis have all offered new visions for pastoral practice and practical theology. Root’s unique theological project is see all of theology through the lens of ministry, particularly exploring God’s own act and being as fundamentally ministry.
From 2015 to 2018 Root was the principal leader for 1.2 million dollar John Templeton Foundation grant called “Science for Youth Ministry.”
Root’s latest project is a three-volume series with Baker Academic called “Ministry in a Secular Age.” Volume one was released as Faith Formation in a Secular Age in October 2017. Volume two, titled The Pastor in a Secular Age releases late Spring 2019, with volume three to follow. In this series Root uses Charles Taylor’s thought to explore the challenges of ministry, offering a theological and ministerial response. Root is known as a leading thinker on the thought of Charles Taylor, secularity, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, modernity, science and ministry, pastoral theology, practical theology, and youth ministry.
Andrew Root is a sought-after speaker at conferences, colleges, and churches. He is known for an engaging style that laces together stories, theological depth, and humor. He has lectured and presented all over the world, including South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and throughout Europe.