Sermon – Mark 1.9-15

As happens every year on this first Sunday in Lent, we begin our forty-day Lenten journey and we encounter Jesus experiencing forty days in the desert. In Mark’s telling of the story, we find Jesus is driven or pushed into … read full post

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Sermon – 2/14/21

This past week, I have been very aware of the way pandemic fatigue is increasingly becoming an ordinary aspect of daily life.  The endless number of Zoom meetings, the isolation, the ordering of groceries online, the lack of being able … read full post

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Sermon – Mark 1:29-39

Last Tuesday evening, I watched the service for Officer Brian Sicknick who was killed in the attack on our capitol on January 6th. It made me again do some critical thinking about the personal and national crises we as a … read full post

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Sermon – 1/10/21

I am going to be very honest with you.  My heart is just breaking.  My heart feels torn apart by what we saw last Wednesday as insurrectionists stormed our nation’s capital.  What happened makes me feel like my heart has … read full post

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Sermon – 11-29-20

Someone recently mentioned to me that it seems like our country has changed over the past years from one that wanted to be good to one that wants to feel good. I tend to agree. And, quite honestly, as we … read full post

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