Sermon – 9/19/21

St. Thomas Aquinas once said, “Fear is such a powerful emotion for humans that when we allow it to take over within us, it drives compassion right out of our hearts.”  Change, transition, uncertainty, chaos and earth-shattering news all create … read full post

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Sermon – 9/12/21

This pandemic has presented anyone in a leadership position with multiple challenges that were unforeseen. There’s no “playbook” for leadership when the stakes are high, and there’s certainly no playbook for what to do in the face of a 21st  … read full post

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Sermon – 9/5/21

It is good to be back with you. I am deeply grateful for the time I spent away.  It was wonderful to let go of all the clutter in life and the clutter in my head.  It was refreshing to … read full post

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Sermon – 8-29-21

Grace to you and Peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Ellen sent me a sermon that she used a few years ago when we had the Gospel lesson we are using today.  She told me … read full post

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Sermon – Mark 6:1-13 – 7/3/21

I mentioned in last week’s sermon that, while I feel joy as we regather, I am also feeling a certain kind of grief and sadness.  I grieve because I know the church is not going to be what it was … read full post

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Sermon – 6/26/21

I have been feeling joy as we regather, but I am also feeling a certain amount of sadness and grief. Quite honestly, I feel this grief and sadness as I realize our community is not and may not again be … read full post

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Sermon: June 19, 2021

As we adapt to a new normal, while hopefully coming to the end of Covid-19, we are facing yet another challenge, a new form of social anxiety. Over the past year and a half, we were forced to physically distance … read full post

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Sermon – June 13, 2021

I do not know the origin of this phrase, but it has been said that “Jesus told so many parables he became one.” Jesus truly embodied everything he taught.  And, those parables, the stories he told, are continually breaking … read full post

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Sermon – Mark 16:1-8 (Easter 2021)

I am sure some of you remember the closing theme song on the PBS show, Lamb Chop’s Play-Along, hosted by puppeteer, Shari Lewis.  It was called “The Song That Never Ends.” Here are the words: “This is … read full post

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Mark 8:31-38

Historian, Douglas Brinkley, writes: “Usually, one day in a century rises above the others as an accepted turning point or historic milestone. It becomes the climactic day, or ‘the day,’ of that century.” Quite honestly, I beg to differ with … read full post

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