Sermon – 2-4-24

Epiphany 5 – Healing Service – 02/04/2024 Today we are going to do something new. This is what the time of transition is about, trying new things. Can I see a show of hands, how many have ever been to … read full post

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Sermon – 1/21/24

How you stepped outside of your comfort zone lately? Our lives can become so much in a rut, and we stay there, because it is comfortable. Each of our jobs or activities can become predictable. If we have been doing … read full post

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Sermon – 1-7-24

The Baptism of our Lord – 01/07/2024 We make decisions every day of how close we want to get to someone, physically and emotionally. How much do we want to know about another person’s business? What will be expected with … read full post

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Sermon – 12/10/23

Endings have beginnings and beginnings have endings. So often we dread endings. The endings of a life, sometimes the endings of a school year, a graduation or position. As emotionally difficult as they can be, there can also be a … read full post

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Sermon – 12-3-23

Happy New Year!! We had our New Year’s Eve gathering at the Williamston Theater last night. We usually don’t stay up until midnight to welcome the new church year in. Part of what the church year has done is to … read full post

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Sermon – 11/14/21

Today’s gospel reading from Mark is guaranteed to raise one’s heart rate a bit as Jesus begins to tell the disciples about signs of the end of the age. This entire chapter in Mark’s gospel is called the little apocalypse … read full post

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Sermon – 10-24-21

The trajectory of Mark’s gospel is so very interesting. The central section of Mark’s gospel focuses on Jesus’ teaching about discipleship, and it is book-ended by two stories of Jesus healing persons who are blind. Today’s story of blind Bartimaeus, … read full post

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Sermon – October 10, 2021

As Rich just reminded us this morning, we have come to that time of year when we intentionally place a focus on Stewardship. So, it is fitting that we are given a gospel reading that speaks about wealth, money and … read full post

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Sermon – 9/26/21

 I’ve really been struggling with these texts since I learned I’d be preaching today The scripture selections this week have been used in harmful ways They’ve been used to promote women’s subservience to men They’ve been used to shame … read full post

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Sermon – 9/26/21

One of the things I just love about scripture is that the stories we read and hear are truly our stories.  They are about us and tell us so much about our identity as human beings.  And, today’s reading is … read full post

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