Sermon – 10-2-22

I invite you to again listen to the beginning verses of our first reading in Habakkuk, as we find them in The Message translation of the Bible: The problem as God gave Habakkuk to see it: God, how long do … read full post

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Sermon – 9/25/222

Last week we received one of Jesus’ most bizarre and perplexing stories.  Today, we receive one of his harshest stories.  It is interesting that we are given this reading just days after we have seen world leaders gather for the … read full post

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Sermon – 9-18-22

Grace to you and peace from God our parent, Jesus our Savior, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Greetings to you from myself, from the North/West Lower Michigan Synod, and from the thousands of congregations and millions of Lutherans across the … read full post

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Sermon – 9-11-22

I don’t know about you, but I am increasingly appalled by some of the public rhetoric we hear these days.  I find it disconcerting the way name calling and verbal attacks on others have become a mainstream component of public … read full post

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Sermon – 9/4/22

The Cost of Discipleship is the title of a book by German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  In it, Bonhoeffer spells out what he believes it means to follow Christ, what discipleship really is all about.    Bonhoeffer understood that following Jesus is … read full post

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Sermon – 8-28-22

Once Covid hit us in 2019, many things changed in our lives.  One of the things that changed for us is having dinner parties.  I love to have people over for dinner, and I really have missed this experience.  I … read full post

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Sermon – 8-21-22

This morning I share with you the story of a woman who had a life-changing, transformational experience. One morning, this woman decided she would attempt to get up, get ready, and go to morning worship.  As she did this, she … read full post

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Sermon – 8-14-22

I must be honest with you this morning. There are days when our scripture readings present us with words that cause clergy to cringe when, after reading, they have to say, “The gospel good news of our Lord.” Today is … read full post

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In his book, Jacob the Baker: Gentle Wisdom For a Complicated World, Jewish poet-philosopher, scholar and theologian, Noah BenShea, writes, “Either the key to a man’s wallet is in his heart, or the key to a man’s heart is in … read full post

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Sermon – 7-24-22

Who do you trust? Who do you allow yourself to completely relax and be yourself with? Who do you share your deepest secrets, insecurities, questions and joy with? Who do you know you can count on, no matter what? Today … read full post

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