October 25, 2015 Worship Folder
Reformation Sunday Jesus says, “Continue in my word and you will know the truth.” 20151025Reformation … read full post
Reformation Sunday Jesus says, “Continue in my word and you will know the truth.” 20151025Reformation … read full post
Reformation Sunday 10:00 a.m. Presentation of Bibles to third graders 11:30 a.m. Potluck lunch, quarterly congregational meeting, ministry fair and stewardship of time and talents. 5:30 p.m. Chili Chow Down and Pumpkins and Fun 20151025Announcements … read full post
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost This Sunday’s first reading is from the last of four passages in Isaiah that are often called “servant songs.” In light of Christian faith, the servant’s healing ministry and redemptive suffering are understood to be fulfilled … read full post
October 18th New Member Sunday Bread for the World Sunday observed Schedule of upcoming events, classes and fellowship 20151018Announcements … read full post
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Teaching on wealth and reward. Jesus has been teaching his disciples about what is most valued in God’s eyes. Now, a conversation with a rich man brings his message home to the disciples in a way … read full post
Listing of events for the week and into the future. 20151011Announcements … read full post
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Please join us at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday for worship. What does it mean to receive the kingdom of God as a child does? 20151004Pentecost19 … read full post
You are invited to join us for worship, study and fellowship. 20151004Announcements … read full post
In the October newsletter–announcements of events of many kinds–six adult study groups, three music groups, Caregiver Support Group, Church Council and committee meetings, quarterly congregational meeting, potluck, Ministry Fair, Chili Chow Down and Youth Group–join us in worship, study and … read full post
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Worship begins promptly at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. 20150927Pentecost 18 … read full post