October 16, 2016 Announcements
There are many ways to get involved at Faith Lutheran Okemos! 20161016announcements … read full post
There are many ways to get involved at Faith Lutheran Okemos! 20161016announcements … read full post
Sunday October 9th: Dedication of Quilts and Beginning of Operation ShoeBox. 9:00 am: Sunday School Hour 9:00 am: RIC DVD series. 10:00: Worship 11:30: Worship Committee Meeting (rescheduled from last week) 11:30: Parish Ed 3:00: Worship at the Willows. 20161009announcements … read full post
Blessings and Miracles Abound Today is a day of unexpected blessings and miracles, signs of how God is active and alive and present in our world and in our lives when we are open and receptive to the possibilities. We … read full post
The Righteous Live by Faith Faith is the theme for today’s readings, but not just any faith. It is a life-transforming faith, one that demonstrates the very presence of God moving, alive, and active in God’s people. In response to … read full post
October 2nd is YOUTH Sunday! Come and Worship with us! 20161002announcements … read full post
Place-sharing Today’s gospel evokes our sympathy. It opens the possibility—described as an impossibility—of place-sharing, trading or sharing places with each other. It also echoes a common theme: the pursuit of wealth in this world can lead us into idolatry and … read full post
Events of highlight -Join us Tuesday September 27 for a tour of the East Lansing Islamic Center and presentation on the Kuran. Presentation will begin at 6:30pm. We will be meeting at the church at 6:00pm for those who would … read full post
Join us Saturday, September 17th at Faith Lutheran for our Anti-Racism Seminar. Sunday September 18th is the last day to bring in items for the Breakfast Bags. Please sign up Sunday to deliver Back-to-School Breakfast Bags to Meridian Township families … read full post
Love or Money? A rich landowner tells his unsatisfactory manager he’s going to fire him. We don’t know how long the employee had to clear his desk, but apparently it was long enough to win friends and influence the people … read full post
Today’s readings give witness that God has a heart for losers. God reconciles with the idol-worshiping people of Israel. The risen Lord calls the violent, blasphemous persecutor, Paul. The faithful shepherd rescues the wandering sheep and carries it home. The … read full post