Sermon – Matthew 25:1-13

Over the years, I have participated in a few hundred weddings.  For most of them I served as the musician.  And, since I have been ordained, I have officiated for several weddings.  Through this plethora of wedding experiences, there is … read full post

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Worship Folder, October 22, 2017

What’s in Your Wallet? Not Enough. Say the word stewardship in some congregations and people are protectively guarding their wallets faster than you can say “pledge card!” Unfortunately, too often we associate stewardship exclusively with issues of money. The good … read full post

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Worship Folder, October 15

Expensive Wedding. Expensive Grace. On a recent reality TV show entitled Wedding Wars, engaged couples competed for a complete wedding wardrobe. The winning couple received the bride’s dress and the groom’s tuxedo as well as proper attire for their … read full post

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