Special Music – The Lord’s Prayer
This is a special musical performance of The Lord’s Prayer at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan by soloist, Ryan Thompson.
This is a special musical performance of The Lord’s Prayer at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan by soloist, Ryan Thompson.
Announcement Packet 20180701
Jesus’ Power Is Enough Today’s story of two healings in a single reading appears to present a horrific choice: should Jesus hurry to the dying daughter of a rich man, or pause to heal an outcast woman? The urgency of both requests before him presents a real dilemma, one we...
This is a special musical performance of Twelve Gates into the City by the Treble Chorus at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
Who, Then, Is This? Our Only Help. As the disciples set out together in the boat with the sleeping Jesus, a great windstorm arose so that the boat became swamped. As we set out in mission together in the ship of Christ’s church, how many storms arise! The elements of...
This is a special musical performance of There Is A Balm In Gilead by Tammy Heilman at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan
Announcement Packet 20180617
The Mystery of Growth In elementary school, when children learn about plants they inevitably plant a small seed in a clear plastic cup and watch it grow. This helps as they learn the parts of plants: leaf, stem, roots. As we get older we get more sophisticated in our ability...
This is a special musical performance by Deb Borton of The Journey Is My Own.
Baptismal Water Is Thicker than Blood Many, perhaps most, subcultures in North America affirm the belief that “blood is thicker than water.” Even when our commitment to family is too often served through hand-wringing sentiment over the so-called decline of the family or pandered to by politicians seeking to prove...