Special Music – In Christ Alone
This is a special musical performance of In Christ Alone, performed by Christopher Lewis at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
This is a special musical performance of In Christ Alone, performed by Christopher Lewis at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
Announcement Packet 20180729
Rollin’ in the Dough—and Fishes In recent years many books have been printed that focus on baking vast assortments of breads—from rye to pumpernickel, French to Italian. Today, however, we encounter a bread that points to both a deeper longing, physically and spiritually, and an even more fulfilling outcome than...
This is a special musical performance from the Tenor and Bass Mens choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
At Rest among Strangers The world can be a dangerous place, and we all long for someone, some leader, who will watch over us and protect us from all harm. The prophet Jeremiah issues strong cautions to those who abuse the trust placed in them to care for God’s people,...
The Teens and Leaders who took part in the ELCA National Gathering in Houston, Texas are excited to lead worship on Sunday, July 15th. We hope you can join us! 20180715Gathering
Announcement Packet 20180715
This is a special musical presentation of Here & Now by Christopher Lewis at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
This is a special musical presentation of Deep River by Christopher Lewis at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
Ready to Bear Witness Where does power come from? The usual answers—family connections, reputation, possessions—are all rejected in this reading from Mark’s gospel. Jesus’ power is not only independent of his family connection—it is hindered by it. While it isn’t entirely clear why the people of Nazareth reject Jesus, the...