Special Music – Thy Will Be Done
This is a special musical performance by the Chancel Choir of Thy Will Be Done with soloist Chris Lewis today at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
Worship Folder Sunday, September 30
Don’t Try to Stop God In Mark 9:38-50 the disciples—at least John—are upset because they saw somebody, not a disciple, “casting out demons” in Jesus’ name. Here John sounds strikingly similar to the Pharisees, who became upset when someone out of their control, Jesus, healed a person on the sabbath (Mark 3:1-6)....
Special Music – Servant Song
This is a special musical performance of Servant Song by the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan with special flute accompanist Gwynne Kadrofske.
Special Music – Be Thou My Vision
This is a special musical performance by the Faith Bells Handbell Choir of Be Thou My Vision at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
Special Music – The Cross
This is a special musical performance of The Cross by the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
Announcements – September 23 – October 6
Click on the below link to access information about the announcements and news for September 23 – October 6. Announcement Packet – Sept 23-Oct 6
Worship Folder – 9/21/18
The Most Challenging Spiritual Practice The writers of today’s readings express to God their fears about death and those who do evil. They rage against the cravings, coveting, envy, and selfish ambition that lead to disorder and war, within and around us. They describe one caught in this reality who...
Special Music – Sing Out To God
This is a special musical performance of Sing Out to God by the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church of Okemos, Michigan.
Worship Folder – 9/16/18
An Unexpected Kind of Messiah Today we hear from three teachers. The prophet Isaiah calls himself a teacher, one whose words sustain weary people. James warns about foolish and hurtful use of our tongues, which should be used to “bless the Lord and Father,” but often are used to “curse...