Worship Folder January 7, 2018

Breath of God Breath figures frequently in Scripture. God’s breath or Spirit hovers over the chaos in creation in Genesis. Breath or Spirit enters the nostrils of the created in the story. Breath and Spirit is breathed onto the disciples by Jesus when he appears to them after his resurrection....

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Worship Folder December 31, 2017

Go in Peace With Simeon and Anna we receive consolation (Luke 2:25) and good news: Jesus frees us to go in peace. God’s Word is incarnate, and we have seen the light of our salvation (2:29-32). “Go in peace” is our call to action—a reminder that we are freed from sin...

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Those Who Hear and Do Who is God’s family? Where is God’s home? In the church we often speak of our home parish as a family. Many of us grew up thinking of the church building as God’s house. But the readings for this day call us to anticipate that...

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Worship Folder December 17, 2017

Give Witness and Rejoice The third Sunday of Advent—also known as Gaudete (rejoice)—is one in which the church has rejoiced as the advent of the Messiah draws nearer. Whether or not you mark this Sunday with a pink candle on the wreath, the texts for the day echo this rejoicing,...

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