Special Music – Days of Elijah
This is a special musical performance of Days of Elijah by the Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos Michigan’s Chance Choir.
This is a special musical performance of Days of Elijah by the Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos Michigan’s Chance Choir.
Lifting the Veil The transfiguration is frustrating for disciples—past and present—who long for an unmediated experience of God. Jesus’ glory is revealed, and then, just as suddenly, a cloud descends and the vision fades. And even though Paul contrasts the Christian’s experience of God with Moses’s veiled experience of God,...
Announcement Packet 20190224
The promise and its fulfillment may not look at all alike, even though they are intimately connected. Paul speaks about seeds and plants as he tries to picture resurrection life. Joseph’s brothers never thought they would see him alive again, so how shocking he must have appeared to them as...
The promise and its fulfillment may not look at all alike, even though they are intimately connected. Paul speaks about seeds and plants as he tries to picture resurrection life. Joseph’s brothers never thought they would see him alive again, so how shocking he must have appeared to them as...
Okemos Schools are OPEN today. So, the church office is open and ALL Wednesday Night Live activities WILL be taking place!! Dinner tonight is spaghetti & meatballs.
The church office will be closed today due to snow and ice storm. All activities are cancelled.
This is a special music presentation of Deep Water by the Faith Lutheran Church Chancel Choir with a solo by Tammy Heilman.
Announcement Packet 20190210