Special Music – How Can I Keep from Singing?
This is a special musical presentation of How Can I Keep from Singing? from the Treble Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
This is a special musical presentation of How Can I Keep from Singing? from the Treble Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
This is a special musical performance of O Beautiful For Spacious Skies by Pastor Ellen Schoepf.
Who Are You? Who do you identify with in the parable? This is part of what makes parables so powerful. Some days we read the story through the eyes of the priest or the Levite. Some days we feel like the Samaritan. And then there are those days when we...
Announcement Packet 20190717
Sent with the Seventy Close your eyes and picture Jesus and his followers together. Most likely people either picture Jesus sitting around with the twelve disciples or standing in the midst of thousands preaching and teaching. Yet in today’s gospel Jesus has seventy followers close enough that he trusts them...
<iframe style=”border: none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/10428434/height/360/theme/legacy/thumbnail/yes/direction/backward/” height=”360″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> This is a special musical performance of Love in any Language by Deb Borton at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
Asking Everything What does it mean to be a disciple? Today’s texts answer this question in various ways. Elisha was given the burdensome mantle of Elijah. Up until this point he’d simply been a student of the great prophet. Then, without much warning, Elijah passed the leadership responsibility onto him...
This is a special musical performance by Bob Nelson of My Savior and My God at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan
This is a special musical performance of The Lord’s Prayer by Ryan Thompson at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.