Worship Folder November 24, 2019
Who Is Jesus? Jesus’ true identity seems to remain a mystery for most of the disciples. Jesus can teach, preach, heal, cast out demons, challenge authority and more, but still they do not comprehend. You might say it is a case of mistaken identity as the disciples and other followers...
Special Music – Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven
This is a special musical performance of Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven by the Faith Bells at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
Worship Folder November 17, 2019
From Life to Death and Death to Life In our baptisms we move spiritually from death to life. We are reminded of this in the words from the service of Holy Baptism: “In baptism our gracious heavenly Father frees us from sin and death by joining us to the death...
Special Music – My Lord What a Morning
This is a special musical presentation of My Lord What a Morning by soloist Bob Nelson at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
Worship Folder Sunday, November 10
Let’s Talk Resurrection When the Sadducees encounter Jesus with a technical question, he responds by humanizing and placing divine value upon each character in the Sadducees’ hypothetical scenario. Jesus’ response is about resurrection and about naming people as children of God and of light. The answer Jesus gives the Sadducees...
Special Music: City Called Heaven
This is a special musical performance of City Called Heaven by the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan with soloist Victoria Walker.
Special Music: Shall We Gather at the River
This is a special musical performance of Shall we Gather at the River by soloist Victoria Walker.
Worship Folder Sunday, November 3rd: All Saints Sunday
Wholly Saints Who are the saints, and what do they have to say to us? Rather than being perfect Christians, the saints are people who have been made whole by the grace of God, through baptism into Christ. The communion of saints is a diverse array of witnesses who remind...