Special Music – Offertory
This is a special musical performance of Offertory by the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan
This is a special musical performance of Offertory by the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan
Announcement Packet 20200202
A Hunger for Justice In today’s first reading, God cries, “O my people, what have I done to you? In what have I wearied you? Answer me!” (Micah 6:3). The people of God have forgotten God’s deliverance and who God has called them to be. Like a shrewd prosecutor, God has...
This is a special musical presentation for the song Footprints in the Sand at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan
This is a special musical presentation for the song For Everyone Born at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan
On February 23, Pastor Ellen Cutting Schoepf and Kimberly Rose O’Brien will begin leading a six-week study on the book I Can Do No Other: The Church’s New Here We Stand Moment by Dr. Anna Madsen. The book focuses pm the church’s response to our cultural context at this moment...
For the Healing of the World: Apocalypse, Ecology and the Bible Saturday, April 18, 2020 9:30 – 2:00 (Lunch provided) Faith Lutheran Church Okemos Featured Speaker Rev. Dr. Barbara R. Rossing You are invited to attend this year’s presentation of the Holle Speaker Series on Saturday, April 18....
The End of Youth Ministry? Dr. Andrew Root Professor of Youth & Family Ministry at Luther Seminary WHEN: Saturday, March 28 9:30-3:00 WHERE: Faith Lutheran Church 4515 Dobie Rd. Okemos, MI This event is FREE, however a freewill offering will be taken to cover luncheon expenses. Schedule...
A New Way to Follow Nations wage war, gangs battle each other, families quarrel, communities of faith divide. We hear others say and even hear ourselves saying, “There is no other way.” In Jesus, the light of Gods kingdom draws near and a new way shines for us to follow....