Worship Folder March 1, 2020
The Devil Doesn’t Wear Tights No one believes in the existence of the devil these days, do they? Do you? Perhaps we can thank Hollywood and Halloween’s marketing blitz for our casual if not incredulous approach to the devil’s existence. Pointy horns, pitch forks, red costumes, and box office ticket...
Worship Folder February 24, 2020
Finding God in the Clouds We often speak of mountaintop experiences as those joyous times we look forward to with excitement and look back upon fondly, such as summer camp or an annual hiking trip. The mountaintop moments in today’s readings were different: awe-inspiring, yes, but also full of devouring...
Special Music – Communion Meditation
This is a special musical performance of Communion Meditation by the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
Worship Folder February 16, 2020
Risky Business Time after time we are called through the scriptures to leave behind familiar and predictable ways of life, risking a journey into the unknown and unknowable. Risks often have a very big and exciting “upside” which is matched by an equally steep and daunting “downside.” Many good and...
Special Music – Eventide
This is a special musical presentation of Eventide by the Faith Bells at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan
Special Music – Chariot
This is a special musical presentation of Chariot by the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan
Worship Folder February 9, 2020
It’s Time to Lighten Up! This is a strange time of year. The days are short, the nights are long, and even though we dream of more daylight, we walk around hoping against hope that there won’t be enough sunshine produced for a rodent (okay, a groundhog!) to see its...