Worship Folder, 7th Sunday after Epiphany, 2/22/25
20250216-7thSundayafterEpiphany Childrens Worship Bulletin Epiphany 7 C Pre Reader Childrens Worship Bulletin Epiphany 7 C Reader
20250216-7thSundayafterEpiphany Childrens Worship Bulletin Epiphany 7 C Pre Reader Childrens Worship Bulletin Epiphany 7 C Reader
This is a special musical presentation of Above All sung by Christopher Lewis at Faith Lutheran Chuch in Okemos, Michigan.
20250216-6thSundayafterEpiphany Childrens Worship Bulletin Epiphany 6 C Pre Reader Childrens Worship Bulletin Epiphany 6 C Reader
This is a special musical presentation of Deep Water by the Faith Lutheran Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
20250209-5thSundayafterEpiphany Childrens Worship Bulletin Epiphany 5 C Pre-Reader Childrens Worship Bulletin Epiphany 5 C Reader
This is a special musical presentation of One Step He Leads by the Faith Lutheran Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.