Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
The annual February 17th Shrove Tuesday pancake supper is being hosted by the Faith youth group. They are seeking donations of the following items by this Sunday: 200 turkey sausage links, six 23-oz. jars of applesauce and syrup. Due to Presidents’ weekend break immediately preceding Shrove Tuesday, Melinda needs to know...
Every Sunday is Nametag Sunday!
Greetings and welcome to all! Pastor Ellen and Ken Schoepf, families and friends, visitors from far and near are all welcomed in the name of Christ. Let us join with hearts and hands, bodies and spirits in greeting each other. So that we can greet each other warmly and sincerely...
February 8, 2015 Worship Folder
Here is this week’s worship folder and announcements! Worship Folder: 20150208Epiphany5 Announcements: 20150208Announcements
Caring Committee Easter Outreach
Blessed be God who is our Bread: May all the World be clothed and fed. The Caring Committee is sponsoring the annual Easter basket food drive. Each year Meridian Township Human Services provides us with the names of 20 families who need a little extra help. Faith members are blessed to...