August 2, 2015 Worship Folder
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Jesus is the bread come from heaven to give life to the world. He calls us to come to him and believe in him, and through that relationship to know the one who sent him. 20150802Pent10
August 2, 2015 Weekly Announcements
20150802Announcements Tomorrow August 1st Community Picnic and Concert 3:00-7:00pm Free food and live music on the front lawn of the church Thursday August 6th 9:00pm DST Live webcast conversation with ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton on the complexities and implications of racism
Community Forum on Race, Ethnicity, and Culture
Faith Lutheran Church will be hosting a series of Community Forums to address the issues of racism as they exist in present culture. Our first community forum will take place on Thursday, September 24th at 7:00pm on the topic of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture. Panelists include: Dr. Ron Hall, MSU...
July 26th Worship Folder Announcements
You are invited to Faith’s free community picnic and concert Saturday, August 1, 3:00-7:00pm Specific details in the announcements 20150726Announcements
July 26th Worship Folder
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost Indeed, Jesus’ body was broken and his blood poured out for the sake of the whole world 20150726Pent9
July 19th Worship Folder
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost “Come away. . .and rest awhile” Mark 6:31, ESV Welcome to a time and place away from life’s busyness 20150719Pent8
July 19th Worship Folder Announcements
The ways in which we Gather, Equip and Serve: 20150719Announcements
July 12th Worship Folder
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost When the prophet Amos saw a vision of the Lord standing beside a wall, the Lord was holding a tool which a carpenter or mason might use. . .what was it? The answer can be found in Amos 7:7. 20150712Pent7
July 12th Worship Folder Announcements
Add these FLC events to your calendar 20150712Announcements