June 14 Worship Folder Announcements
20150614Announcements This week’s highlights: Vacation Bible School Sixty Plus/Minus potluck lunch and “Seeing Beauty in God’s World Through Tom’s Lens” travelogue.
20150614Announcements This week’s highlights: Vacation Bible School Sixty Plus/Minus potluck lunch and “Seeing Beauty in God’s World Through Tom’s Lens” travelogue.
20150614Pent3 Third Sunday after Pentecost The tree of life is here, in the cross around which we gather, the tree into which we are grafted through baptism, the true vine that nourishes us with its fruit in the cup we share, it grows with a power beyond our understanding.
20150607Announcements This week’s highlights: Vacation Bible School for children 4 years-5th grade begins June 15th–REGISTER TODAY! Caregiver Support Group – Thursday, June 11 at 11:30 a.m. Films of Faith: Grace Card – Friday, June 12 at 7:00 p.m.
20150607Pent2 Second Sunday after Pentecost The Rev. Dr. Niklaus C. Schillack, new Director of Church Relations for Lutheran Social Services of Michigan, shares with us how LSSM “Serves people as an expression of the love of Christ.”
FFN June-July 2015 June/July 2015 Newsletter highlights: Pastor Ellen’s article Faith Family News Christian Education and Youth News Vacation Bible School information Calendar of Events
We gather in the name of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 20150531Announcements
May our hearts be open to both knowledge and mystery as we reflect on the Holy Trinity–God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit, our guide and comforter. 20150531HolyTrinity
Announcements Worship Folder