November 29, 2015 Worship Folder
First Sunday in Advent Be alert for the coming of the Son of Man. 20151129Advent1
First Sunday in Advent Be alert for the coming of the Son of Man. 20151129Advent1
First Sunday in Advent– New Member Sunday Monthly World Hunger offering November Stewardship emphasis: ELCA Good Gifts More Advent events– 20151129Announcements
Thanksgiving Eve worship and Pie Fest 7:00 p.m. On Thanksgiving Day we will be grateful for our abundance and thankful for our manifold blessings. Let us also be profoundly appreciative of our freedom to worship according to our hearts and minds. We gather to express our sincere gratitude to God, the...
Happening this week– ELCA Good Gifts noisy offering. Thanksgiving Eve Worship and Pie Fest. Advent decorating and more. . . 20151122Announcements
“Beautiful Savior, King of Creation!” Today the church celebrates Christ as King of all. Welcome! 20151122ChristtheKing
Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost This Sunday is designated Youth Sunday. Our youth will be filling important worship roles this Sunday. We invite you to be present to hear about their summer ELCA Detroit Youth Gathering experience. 20151115Pent25
Please join us for worship, learning and fellowship. Announcements of note: Sixty Plus or Minus lunch and Physical Therapy presentation Thanksgiving Eve worship and pie fest Advent decorating Capital City Ringers handbell concert Stuff the stockings food drive Santa’s Little Helpers childcare 20151115Announcements
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 9:00am Adult study group “The Bible Makes Sense” 10:00am Worship Mark 12:38-44 “A widow’s generosity reveals the hypocrisy of the scribes” 11:30am Lunch and Learn “Care of Creation” 20151108Pentecost24
Please join us for worship, fellowship, education, music and more. . . 20151108Announcements
Items of note for November Thanksgiving Eve worship and pie fest: 7:00pm Wednesday, Nov. 25th First Sunday in Advent: Sunday, Nov. 29th P. 4 November Stewardship Focus: ELCA Good Gifts P. 5 Sixty Plus or Minus November salad/dessert lunch and program P. 5 Caring Committee Stuff the Stockings food drive P....