May 29, 2016 Worship Folder
Second Sunday after Pentecost God hears every prayer–the prayer of the outsider as well as the prayer of the insider. 20160529Pentecost2
Second Sunday after Pentecost God hears every prayer–the prayer of the outsider as well as the prayer of the insider. 20160529Pentecost2
At the end of the worship service, weather permitting, we are proceeding outside to dedicate the new fire pit and will be making s’mores! Note these items in this week’s announcements– Sixty Plus and Minus summer plans Young adult BBQ book study beginning June 29 Joint worship service with University Lutheran Church...
Today we celebrate the name of God: holy blessed Trinity. There is no other day quite like this one in the church’s year. There is no other god like ours. Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit! 20160522HolyTrinity
Sunday, May 22nd ORDER DEADLINE FOR JUNE 24 LUGNUTS TICKETS Noisy offering for Faith Youth Fund Youth Group Fundraiser Car Wash Tanzania Presentation For schedule of future meetings and events, click here 20160522Announcements
Special music by the Faith Lutheran church Faith Bells ensemble – You Know My Name.
The Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit breathed the church into being! May we continue to be moved by the Spirit to live as the body of Christ. Wear red to church. 20160515Pentecost
This week at Faith– Faith volunteers serve at Loaves and Fishes Overnight Shelter Synod Assembly 2016 convenes in Grand Rapids June/July Faith Family News newsletter deadline Sixty Plus and Minus lunch gathering and Florida nature photography program Follow this link for more information 20160515Announcements
This is special music from the Faith Chorale of Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, MI
This was a special performance of Five Pieces No. 3 by Gerald Finzi by Clarinetist Michael Fox at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan
Special Music – Minuet in D by Haydn by the Flutes of Faith