October 9th, 2016 Worship Folder

Blessings and Miracles Abound Today is a day of unexpected blessings and miracles, signs of how God is active and alive and present in our world and in our lives when we are open and receptive to the possibilities. We hear, read about, and experience healing. Fragile relationships are restored....

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October 2, 2016 Worship Folder

The Righteous Live by Faith Faith is the theme for today’s readings, but not just any faith. It is a life-transforming faith, one that demonstrates the very presence of God moving, alive, and active in God’s people. In response to Habakkuk’s oracle, the Lord answered him that “the righteous live...

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September 25, 2016 Worship Folder

Place-sharing Today’s gospel evokes our sympathy. It opens the possibility—described as an impossibility—of place-sharing, trading or sharing places with each other. It also echoes a common theme: the pursuit of wealth in this world can lead us into idolatry and away from faith in Christ. Instead, as the reading from...

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September 25, 2016 Announcements

Events of highlight -Join us Tuesday September 27 for a tour of the East Lansing Islamic Center and presentation on the Kuran. Presentation will begin at 6:30pm. We will be meeting at the church at 6:00pm for those who would like to ride together, or meet at the Islamic Center at...

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