October 30, 2016 Worship Folder

Reformation—Then and Now Next year, Lutheran churches throughout the world will mark the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation. The anniversary remembers 1517, when Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. That action sparked a series of reforms in theological understanding of...

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October 23 2016, Worship Folder

God Be Merciful We may expect the religious insider to be blessed, the moral person to be right with God. But as is so often the case, Jesus’ parable for today sweeps away conventional expectations. Jesus surprises the disciples and us when he says it’s not the Pharisee but rather...

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October 16, 2016 Worship Folder

Persistence in Prayer Two characters step out of scripture today to teach us about persistence in prayer. One is named. Jacob is the devious brother who tricked his twin, Esau, out of his birthright and their father’s blessing, and Jacob was himself duped on his wedding night by his father-in-law,...

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October 9, 2016 Announcements

Sunday October 9th: Dedication of Quilts and Beginning of Operation ShoeBox. 9:00 am: Sunday School Hour 9:00 am: RIC DVD series. 10:00: Worship 11:30: Worship Committee Meeting (rescheduled from last week) 11:30: Parish Ed 3:00: Worship at the Willows. 20161009announcements

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