November 13, 2016 Worship Folder

20161113pentecost26 Overview From Life to Death and Death to Life In our baptisms we move spiritually from death to life. We are reminded of this in the words from the service of Holy Baptism: “In baptism our gracious heavenly Father frees us from sin and death by joining us to...

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November 6 2016 Announcements

20161106announcements Stuff the Stocking Food Drive    Caring Committee News  The Faith Lutheran Caring Committee was asked by the Meridian Township Human Services Director if we could provide support to families during the Christmas/Winter school break. There is a need for food items during this two week break from school because...

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November 6th 2016 Worship Folder

Let’s Talk Resurrection When the Sadducees encounter Jesus with a technical question, he responds by humanizing and placing divine value upon each character in the Sadducees’ hypothetical scenario. Jesus’ response is about resurrection and about naming people as children of God and of light. The answer Jesus gives the Sadducees...

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October 30, 2016 Announcements

Join us Sunday October 30th: 9:00am: How Lutheran’s Interpret the Bible 10:00am: Worship Service, New Member Sunday Quarterly Meeting: Immediately following the worship service. Youth Group Fundraiser (partnering with Membership Development) Chili Chowdown–immediately following the quarterly meeting. The youth group will be offering a Chili meal (vegetarian choices as well),...

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