November 27, 2016 Worship Folder Advent 1

Turn On. Tune In. Wake Up! In the 1960’s people were urged to turn on, tune in, and drop out—to leave the material world behind in favor of an alternate reality. In today’s gospel, Jesus also urges us to tune into an alternative to the material world, one he called...

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Thanksgiving Service Wednesday, November 23rd 7:00pm

Grateful to the Giver TV shows and movies portray a Thanksgiving custom that is easy to copy. People around the table take turns naming things they’re thankful for. They seem delighted to do it. It isn’t hard for them, and their tributes bring smiles and warm feelings to others at...

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water in Tanzania

Water in Tanzania

Tula Ngasala is one of our members and she is working on her Environmental Engineering degree at MSU.  During this time, she has also been working on developing water projects in her home country of Tanzania.  Working with Engineers Without Borders and WEES (another non-profit organization), she was able to...

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The Great Divide

The Great Divide

This past presidential election has created division among people in our own community and in the lives of families within our faith community.  In an effort to help create healing of that divide, enable people to listen to each other and converse with each other in a safe, hospitable manner,...

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November 20, 2016 Worship Folder

Who Is Jesus? Jesus’ true identity seems to remain a mystery for most of the disciples. Jesus can teach, preach, heal, cast out demons, challenge authority and more, but still they do not comprehend. You might say it is a case of mistaken identity as the disciples and other followers...

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