Office Closed Today Due to Weather
The Faith Lutheran Church Offices will be closed today due to weather conditions. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.
The Faith Lutheran Church Offices will be closed today due to weather conditions. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.
Living In the Now and the Not Yet In this season of Advent we stand in the discomforting quiet of waiting for the salvation of the Lord while simultaneously seeing that very salvation breaking into the world around us. Like John the Baptist we ask Jesus “are you here, or...
This is a special music performance by the Faith Lutheran Church of Okemos, Michigan Flutes of Faith group.
This is a special bells performance by the Faith Lutheran Church of Okemos, Michigan Joyful Noise Childrens choir.
Special music presented from the Joyful Noise Childrens Choir and the Faith Lutheran Chancel Choir
20161204advent2 Pointing to Jesus John the Baptist is a fitting messenger for the season of Advent, a time for the church to prepare for both the nativity of the Christ and for his second coming. John’s call to repentance in preparation of Jesus’ arrival carries a challenge for us to...
We welcome to our newest members of our Faith Lutheran community Erika and Everett Engel
A Special music performance of I was Glad by Gary Hallquist by the Faith Lutheran Chancel Choir
So many exciting Advent festivities are happening at Faith. Ways to get involved and ways to fellowship with others. We look forward to seeing you at Faith! 20161127announcements