Special Music – Sonata in E Minor Movement One
This is a special performance by the Flutes of Faith, as they perform the Sonata in E Minor Movement One by Bach at the Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
This is a special performance by the Flutes of Faith, as they perform the Sonata in E Minor Movement One by Bach at the Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
This is a special performance of Sonata in F minor, Adante, Allegro by G.P. Telemann, performed by Sam Kadrofske on the Euphonium at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
Questions Come to Light What is it about the night that invites questions? As our head rests on the pillow and shadows stretch out on the bedroom wall, questions, like field mice, begin to emerge from the nooks and crannies of our mind. At first, the questions are utilitarian: Did...
Community Forum – Race and the School to Prison Pipeline Thursday evening, March 30, from 6:00 – 7:30 PM WHERE: Faith Lutheran Church 4515 Dobie Rd. Okemos, MI Discussion panel participants include: The Honorable Donald L. Allen, Jr. – Chief Judge, 55th Judicial Court Angela Waters Austin – President...
This is a special musical performance by the Faith Lutheran Chancel Choir of Nearer My God, To Thee by John Gardner.
Lent is about peeling away the layers of insulation and anesthesia which keep us from the truth of God’s promises. It is a time of self-reflection, sacrificial giving and prayer as we make our way through the tangled mess of our lives. It is a time when we can trudge...
Come and listen to a special performance of Thy Word of Your Peace by Bettcher the Faith Lutheran Faith Bells Bell Choir.
Come and listen to a special performance of Make me a Channel of Your Peace by Hayes be the Faith Lutheran Chancel Choir.
Finding God in the Clouds We often speak of mountaintop experiences as those joyous times we look forward to with excitement and look back upon fondly, such as summer camp or an annual hiking trip. The mountaintop moments in today’s readings were different: awe-inspiring, yes, but also full of devouring...
A special performance by the Faith Lutheran Chanel Choir of O Lord Most Holy by Franck.