The winter storm warning remains in effect for our area from 10AM EST today until 4PM EST tomorrow. Snowfall rates in excess of an inch per hour at times are expected this afternoon into tonight with totals of 6-12 inches of heavy wet snow by Thursday evening.
A winter storm warning for heavy snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected.
In case of an emergency, If the weather should interrupt phone service to the church, Pastor Ellen can be reached at 974-5570.
Note from Music Director Deb Borton-McDonough:
Faith Bells, please gather in the sanctuary at 7:50 a.m. Sunday morning to practice.
Chancel Choir, please gather in the sanctuary at 8:50 a.m. Sunday morning to practice.
Gospel Mass – Our next practice is scheduled for 7:15 p.m., Wednesday, March 2nd.
The Thursday evening Mutual Ministry Committee meeting has not been cancelled and will begin at 7:00 p.m.
Friday night’s Euchre Tournament from 7:00-9:00 p.m. is still happening and offers a great opportunity for fellowship after the snow event.
Don’t forget Sunday’s 10:00 a.m. special worship service to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of Faith Lutheran Church’s chartering. A reception in the downstairs large fellowship hall will follow worship.
In the meantime–hunker down–stay home–be safe.