As followers of Christ, Faith Lutheran members feel compelled to help support the unmet basic human needs of our neighbors both locally and globally. Our congregation offers many different opportunities to accomplish this through financial contributions, in-kind donations, and volunteering. We have several committees that work in various ways to benefit different groups and concerns.

Caring Committee

Chairperson: Kathy Mace & Natalie Dingledine

The Caring Committee supports, encourages and cares for our members and our community.  We work with Meridian Township to support identified families in need with food support.  We actively reach out to our elderly and shut-in members to maintain their connection with our church family. The caring committee works with the congregation to support our members when needs arise.  Once a year we receive donations of clothing, diapers and all needs for babies and toddlers that we deliver to Shared Pregnancy.  The committee remains flexible in our focus to ensure we are open to current needs.

Christian Education Committee

Chairperson: John McCracken

Our Christian Education Committee is made up of volunteer members of our church.  The Committee oversees and helps coordinate our Sunday School Program, along with assisting the Confirmation and High School Programs as needed. The committee meets at different times throughout the year to review our youth programs and make future plans.  If you would like more information on this committee or our youth programs, please contact the church office by calling 517-349-0620 or emailing us at Learn more about our education programs.

Evangelism/Outreach Committee

Chairperson: Brenda Kopf

Our Evangelism and Outreach Committee strives to welcome newcomers to Faith and to connect with those in our community who are searching for a church home and those who may not realize they are searching for a church home. This committee organizes our annual picnic each August on the Saturday before school resumes — join us for food, games, live music, and fellowship.

Green Team

Chairperson: Randy Royalty

The Faith Lutheran Green Team is engaged in a number of issues related to caring for God’s creation.  Our mission is to work on ways for members of the congregation to reduce waste by recycling and improving energy efficiency, both in our life together and in our homes, and provide opportunities for education, engagement and public advocacy in caring for this beautiful Earth. Visit the Environmental Justice page for more information.


Human Resources

Chairperson:  Lori Haven

The main function of the Human Resources Committee is to support the evaluation process of staff members at Faith Lutheran Church, to keep job descriptions and evaluation documents applicable and updated, help fill positions as they become vacant, and problem-solve with any staff member who may have a work-related challenge.

Membership Development

Chairpersons: Tammy Heilman, Erica Boyan, Diane Hill

The role of the Membership Development Committee is to plan a variety of activities/opportunities for the fellowship of our congregants.

Mutual Ministry

Chairperson: Mark Kadrofske

The Mutual Ministry Committee (MMC) meets every three months and provides support for pastor Bruce.  Mutual ministry is designed to strengthen the life and well-being of the church.  The MMC can facilitate dialogue between the congregation and pastor and keeps the pastor advised about the conditions within the congregational family.  The specific responsibilities include the following:

  1. Opening communication concerning the attitudes and conditions within the congregation
  2. Listening for early warning signs of misunderstanding within the congregation, being a “listening post” for the pastor and the congregation
  3. Assisting in conflict resolution
  4. Advising on the health of our pastoral ministry within the congregation
  5. Serving as a sounding board for the pastor in time of personal or professional stress
  6. Identifying continuing education or counseling that would assist our pastoral ministry in achieving the goals of the congregation, and
  7. Addressing concerns for the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the pastor

MMC committee members are Nick Hirschenberger, Mark Kadrofske, Chris Lewis, Jamie Spellicy and Korine Wawrzynski.  Feel free to contact the committee chair, Mark Kadrofske at or 517-703-6837.

Property Committee

Chairpersons: Bob Nelson and Rick Beaderstadt

Do repairs and perform routine maintenance to the church building, the parrish house, and the grounds as needed and that the committee has the skill set to complete

Obtain the services of outside contractors for lawn mowing, parking lot snow plowing, HVAC maintenance, elevator, pest control, and any other services needed that require professional work.

If you would like to help maintain our church property with the various repairs and improvements we do when needed, please contact Bob Nelson.

RIC Committee

Chairperson: Rich Weingartner

The RIC Team at Faith works to provide opportunities for the congregation to fully live into the full and inclusive welcome as stated in Faith’s Welcome Statement. These opportunities include education and other activities within our congregation and also community outreach activities like participating in community pride events.


Chairperson: Paul Hereza

The committee encourages congregation members to support Faith Lutheran Church both financially and with their talents. By doing so, it ensures that Faith can continue its longstanding commitment of helping our community.


Chairperson: Ryan Thompson

The Media and Technology Committee helps with issues of technology at Faith Lutheran Church. Currently, the committee focuses on digital media presence, a livestream broadcast of each Sunday service, and regular maintenance of computer equipment for church staff.


Chairperson: Diane Hill

The Worship Committee works with the Pastor to provide a meaningful worship experience for our congregation.

Other Positions

Altar Care Coordinator – Elaine Harrison

Nursery Coordinator – Jennifer Coe

Parish House Project – Laurie Hereza

Usher Coordinator – Mike Eschelbach

Webmaster – Chris Lewis